Monday, July 27, 2009

Question: Why Ecumenical? What's that?

I know I should just put the word "Christian" but sadly when people see that they wonder if I'm one of those type Christians and there are all those stereotypes of the religious Right and hypocrites. You put "Ecumenical Christian" then you are labeled a liberal and that is a dirty word in our society even though we have a liberal president. This is not about politics though. Ecumenical according to Websters means 2 a: of, relating to, or representing the whole of a body of churches b: promoting or tending toward worldwide Christian unity or cooperation.
Christians are not supposed to be sectarian but sadly many are. If you don't believe exactly like their group does then you are going to hell. This is why yes I'm Lutheran but I'm an ecumenical Christian meaning I have brothers and sisters of all types.
I also will not make a judgment on those of other faiths or no faiths that is God's business. God has some pretty big shoes to fill and I'm not going to attempt to fill them even though many have tried to.

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