Monday, July 27, 2009

The Gospel of Hate

I turned on Am radio and heard Rush Limbaugh say that Obama is an angry black man but the only anger I hear is from white guys on my radio and tv. What's with this? I turned on the religious AM station and John Hagee, pastor of Cornerstone says that we need to get back to the God of the Old Testament where there are no second chances only one chance and zap you are burnt up with his huge congregation loudly applauding with handclaps and amens.
I see more Fred Phelps "God hate fags" stickers than God loves stickers. This is the gospel of hate.

1 comment:

  1. The other day I saw this on a bumper sticker:

    "God loves all*

    *Some restrictions apply."

    Is it bad that I wanted to rear-end that car just to mess up the bumper sticker?
